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Infant formula shortage

In Food Microbiology in the News by Prof Jennifer

In 2022, there was a prolonged infant formula shortage in the US. The reasons behind this shortage were complex, and were thought to include supply chain limitations and regulations restricting import of baby formula from other countries  (read more here and here). One of the initial events that led to …

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Clostridium botulinum outbreak

In Food Microbiology in the News by Prof Jennifer

Clostridium botulinum causes one of the most severe foodborne intoxications, with a 50% mortality rate if not treated. Fortunately, outbreaks with C. botulinum are quite rare and the number of cases reported in the US are typically low. However, there was a recent outbreak that originated in France that is worth …

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Food safety in restaurants

In Food Microbiology in the News by Prof Jennifer

A couple recent outbreaks points to the importance of adequate food safety training and practices in restaurants. In late 2022, more than 300 people were sickened with Norovirus that came from an infected restaurant employee. Another investigation traced a Campylobacter outbreak to a restaurant in Kansas. Shigella outbreaks were also …